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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello Everyone! I've Reached the End of my Goal. I did my 3rd BIG CHOP and went BACK NATURAL Once Again, in FALL 2010! SO HAPPY, EXCITED & SATISFIED that FINALLY (Big Sigh of Relief)  I can wear my Natural Hair out without it quickly drying out... WITH MANY HEALTHY HAIR PRODUCTS AT MY  DISPOSAL! (...but sadly still make my own concoctions due to High End Prices of most products today, but that's another blog topic. lol!) 
I've learned so many things from Personal Experience and will Share with Everyone on this Blog. Many of you will Join me years after this Post. It's always GOOD to Go Back and COMMENT on Many PREVIOUS POSTS! ...Feel FREE to Comment your input and suggestions are valued & appreciated! 

I've worn my hair natural in my teens and after High School. My latest Big Chop was in 2003 Sporting a Fierce TWA Fro, but due to lack of Natural Hair Products out on the market at the time, and my very hectic work & school scheduleI Dreadlock my hair once it started growing long. ALTHOUGH VERY CUTE, I preferred Free Flowing Natural Curls-vs-the Locks, so 1yr later I cut them all off; sported a nice TWA for a while thinking-jokingly hmm ..."have to make my own mixology of ingredients", lol). As my hair grew longer so did my Hectic Schedule and the Need for more maintenance of my 'AFRO KINKY TIGHTLY-COILED HAIR'. With Work, School, Business and Family consuming most of my time I FELT LIKE, "If I'm gonna remain Natural I don't want my hair [prone to dryness, Brittleness, Frizziness & breakage] to look bad with my Wash-n-Go, Fro and Other Styles", due to time; but MOSTLY Lack of NATURAL & GENTLE NON-DRYING HAIR PRODUCTS (didn't want to wear braids all the time either). So I SADLY went back to a Relaxer and planned to Go 'BACK NATURAL' at a later time, when there would be more Haircare Options for Naturals to Perfect my Haircare Regimen Suitable for my longer Hair. (my teeny weeny Fro was super easy to maintain)

WELL, 6YEARS LATER HERE I'M AU NATURALE AGAIN & LOVING IT!- Mixing my own recipes and concoctionsGo Figure. In hindsight, I should have done the same back then. My decision came after remembering my game planresearching products and reading customer reviews (watched a few video reviews) on today's products; to find out all I needed to know about the 'Claims' of Many Natural Products out on the Market. *Good news for Naturals of all walks of life: in recent years things have really changed a lot with Natural Hair Care. There's a wealth of information and so many new products available to everyone, unlike years ago. THE OPTIONS ARE ENDLESS.

ALTHOUGH the ARRAY of NATURAL HAIRCARE PRODUCTS are plenty, I mostly mix my own concoctions and recipes, as mentioned above. Reason is the Ridiculously High Prices of most Natural Hair Products out on the market. Most deliver what they promise but I refuse to pay more than I did when my hair was processed; for products with 'Everyday Inexpensive Ingredients' used for many years before the Natural Hair Boom! So Grateful for my Recipes from Mom, Grandma and a few Online Searches. Now I CAN KEEP MY NATURAL HAIR SO SOFT, MANAGEABLE, Less FRIZZY and PREVENT BREAKAGE I GROWN IT OUT!  I will also keep you guys posted on my discoveries, new products, hair styles and Healthy Hair Tips on this Blog, Youtube and Facebook...Toodles!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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